
Death Greets Me Warm, Now I Will Just Say Goodbye

listening to: Fade To Black, Metallica
drinking: Nada
watching: Nada
thinking: A whole bunch of crap.

Ehh heh I've been meaning to write back in here but I've been so tired lately. Last Thursday night I went over to Adrienne's house and watched a movie. A very retarded movie that I was hoping would be good. Its a Japanese horror movie called The Last Supper. About a plastic surgeon that once took the fat from one of his patients home, cooked it and ate it and began to have the taste for human flesh and he would kill chicks for the meat. You'd think it be a good movie but alas, another film made of fail. Alot of B-rated movies do nothing for me, and Adrienne was busy playing FF on her computer that she didn't feel like having subtitles on so we watched the dubbed version. It made it worse lol

We watch a movie or two once a week at her house and lately its been nothing but Asian horror. About two so far has been very good, The Red Shoes and The Ghost. The Ghost was excellent. Its a thriller though but had crazy twists in the story. I wish to own it one day. The non-Asian horror movie we watched was called Jeffrey. I am in love with it. Its a gay romantic/comedy/drama movie. If you ever wanna watch Patrick Stewart play a gay man, watch it. This too I shall own x3

I'm not sure why, but I find it hilarious that I like gay/lesbian romantic comedies more than straight ones. They do it better! xD There's another one on the list that I want to watch called Trick, I'm hoping thats good.

But onto other things..I got bored last Friday and rearranged mom's room. Moved all the boxes full of random crap, vhs tapes and other things to one corner by the closet and moved the computer desk and all that mess to the other corner. Its alot better and I can look out the window (was able to sit and watch the full moon rise last night. I love it.) Only problem is that this desk is about to fall apart. The monitor is so heavy that the desk feels like its about to collapse on me. Lovely!

Moving mom's pachinko machine was no happy task either. The first time I tried lifting it, a sliver decided it wanted to stab my pinky finger. I had no I idea I could bleed that much from such a tiny thing. Five minutes later I lifted the whore and goddamn. I was surprised I could even do that much. At least that solves the mystery if I could lift and carry stuff up to 70 pounds. That thing has to be at least near 100 >_____>;;;; The muscles in my arms are still a tad sore and just about everytime I wake up, my right arm is asleep. I hate the needles.

Speaking of sleeping, lately I haven't been able to remember much of my dreams like I used to. Its just been a bunch of jumbled up crap. I guess its got to do with me and my worrying about current stuff and all the stress. The few that I have remembered..yeah its still on crack.

You know how I said that I'm reading all of the Harry Potter books before I get to the 7th? Well I just finished Chamber of Secrets and we all know about Hermione's mistake with her portion of the Polyjuice Potion. I dreamed that I went to school at Hogwarts and that I was a kitty person. I was walking down a staircase and someone was commenting me on how shiny my whiskers were.

Yeah thats not nearly as bad when a few months ago I dreamed that me and Sam got married in the Great Hall which for some reason resembled my elementary school cafeteria. Damn you Harry Potter and the things you do.

Aside from that silliness, I have been dreaming about idiot boy..yeah you know the one. I really wish he would go away. I don't need that crap sir. And lately I've been finding myself wondering how his brother Tommy is doing which is really odd >.>; I pretty much couldn't stand anyone in that house, one of the reasons why I left but Tommy was close to the only other normal person in the house and I really think me leaving made him all blah. The night I went over there to get my stuff back, the looks he gave me was really depressing. I dunnoes..I hate the past and I wish I could forget all about it but its always there in the back of my head.

The past week I've been starting to play all the games that I used to obsess over at that house, like Metroid Prime, Sonic, Mario Sunshine, etc. I wish for it to stop cuz its just brings back even more memories of that time. Yeah the easiest thing to do is to not play them, but whenever I'm bored I instinctively pick up the remote and play. It takes about five minutes for a random memory to pop up and its like "fuck why are you still here?" No its not feelings or anything like that towards idiot boy. Those died only about a year into the relationship or whatever the hell I had with that guy.

I even went out of my way to delete just about everything on my memory card cuz everything reminded too much of stuff. Yes, even my Chao data from that Sonic game..all those freak babies that I prized more than ever are all dead. I started over of course and I'm content with the guys I have. I'm naming all of them after black metal band people. I am silly.

In some other really terrible news, Katrina's first boyfriend died this month over in Iraq. She was really depressed over it but I think she's gotten over the worst of it. Apparently back in the old days of high school, the two of them were going to get married or something. She really did care for him alot and for all these years, since I was 14 mom always thought that it was Steven that dumped Katrina for someone else but it was Katrina that did it. She thought it would of been cool to do that, something along the lines of that. It broke him into pieces. But they did sorta remain friends. It saddens me alot cuz he was a cool guy. Hell he even gave me a Noobmas present once, a Dragonball Z tape. I watched that thing like three times a day, for it was all about Trunks..I'm a retard like that.

Katrina said that he had already received a Purple Heart and some bronze medal from stuff he did over there. This past April he was able to go home and celebrate his daughter's 1st birthday. Fuck its so depressing and I still feel weird that someone I knew is dead. Oy I hate this shit. Now all of us are even more worried for Ryan. I wish he could come home and stay home. This whole us being over there is absolute bullshit. I'm glad I'm leaving this country, I really fucking am. It doesn't matter who is president, each and every one of them is just some retarded brainless puppet.

Here's Steven's obituary thing as well. He's barely aged since the last time I saw him 8 years ago.

I shall flee now.

1:53 p.m. - Monday, July 30, 2007


Welcome Home

My Necrotic Regulus Lives Once More....

Fuck This Game

Who Would Of Thought Ne?

Happy Breaking From The Womb Day To Meh


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